PLEASE FIX THIS OR I WILL DELETE THE GAME AGAIN.Sports Head Soccer is a fun game that keeps you hooked up for about 30 minutes.
#Soccer games head soccer upgrade#
With that, I can’t even upgrade my character because everything cost so much and it takes forever to gain points especially when it is impossible to win. Their powers are too over the top and its so unrealistic to beat them with lower level characters, but you cant earn the better characters without beating the impossible ones because we never get put against the normal ones in the tournament anymore. It is extremely frustrating because, in order to get other characters, you have to play in the tournament against characters waaayyy above your level. So even if you happen to block the shot you get scored on anyway because you aren’t even on the field. They all have powers and costumes that make it nearly impossible to win because they make you disappear, fly in the air, etc. I recently remembered it existed so i redownloaded it to find that there are a lot of new characters that weren’t there when I played before.

I used to play this game a lot when I was younger and I loved it. If you want this game, consider that you will get very aggravated while trying to unlock a character or upgrading your abilites. And i feel that the upgrades get a little too expensive eventually. I feel like the system of paying points to battle a character is stupid and flawed.

You build up so much adrenaline while playing against him, until you lose or don’t get an arcade achievement to unlock him, then you waste 4 minutes waiting to battle him again. The reason why watching an ad on purpose is stupid is because every time you lose trying to beat him, you need to wait for an ad cooldown. Although there is an option of watching an ad to play against him for free, this is stupid as well. Every time you want to try to play him, you see a 50,000 point paywall to even play against him. This wouldn’t be a pain besides the fact that every time you want to battle Asura, you need to pay 50,000 points. However, one of the ways is you need to beat him once by getting more than 10 goals. Why? The reason why is because certain aspects of the game like upgrading your character takes a very long time (later on) and the fact that to unlock Asura, a very good character, you have to beat him in certain ways. This game is not very good to put it bluntly.
#Soccer games head soccer mod#
Game !, like if you hoping to play a mod called death you play with strong op characters and you will have to defeat 8 characters each after another without getting yourself even one defeat, and if that happens you will have to either play the whole stage again or pay 5000 points, asking yourself again why do i need to play this mod ? Because at some point of the game when you want to play with new characters the game tells you that you must finish death mod !, and if you choose the second way to unlock character which is to do the characters challenge, that’s will be a big problem for you most character challenges are just insane tells you to do something are mostly impossible for you to do, it seems like the game are just pushing you to pay more !,
#Soccer games head soccer how to#
This game is fun to play but to get new characters that is the problem, to unlock new characters there is 2 ways, fist is to pay, pay a lot, like really a lot, to unlock some characters you will need a big amount of points, how to get that ? Of course pay for a good characters you will need points equal to 20$, however there are an op ‘over powerd’ characters and to unlock theme you will need to double the price of coure, maybe you’re asking yourself why don’t get the points from the challenges in the game without paying, unfortunately that is won’t do it even if you are expert in the game challenges won’t give you enough points to even play some mods in the