MacJournal is usually categorized as “journal” software. As a way of organizing or managing your writing, it may be without rival. Nevertheless, as a writing tool, it is pretty versatile and generally capable. It’s not a really a page editing tool, either, or an outliner.

It isn’t trying to replace Word, at least for business or academic purposes: MacJournal doesn’t offer change tracking, footnotes, endnotes, or indexing. Mac App Store link) offers a remarkably good compromise. Another way to describe it would be to say there are way too many options. One way to describe the landscape is to say there is something for just about everybody. Then there are basic text editors, advanced text editors, idea management tools, screenplay-writing applications, notetakers, desktop blogging applications, simple writing tools that emphasize attractive font design, outliners, scrapbooks, and many other genres that I’m forgetting. Pages ’09 ), and apps that you can use in your web browser ( Mellel), others that specialize in page creation (

#Macjournal ipad for mac
Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 ( ), there are word processors that specialize in handling foreign languages ( Boy, there are a lot of writing applications on the market now.